2022年3月22日,澳洲认证机构SAA Approvals发布澳大利亚及新西兰标准对测试报告中的关键元器件的要求的通知邮件,详见如下:
1. It is not allowed to use "various" or "interchangeable" for critical components. Any critical components manufactured inside the product must be listed in the components table in the test report and photos, including markings must be in the test report.
SAA Approvals follow above requirements from the Equipment Safety Rules (APPENDIX B), Here is the clause:
对应如上的要求,SAA Approvals遵循电气设备安全准则(附录B),具体条款要求如下:
2. If the component has an IEC certificate, the details must be listed in the components’table, as we will check these during the approval process.
3. Australian certificates are required for some critical components such as plugs, supply cords, cord-line switches and some lampholders.
4. If the component is tested in the appliance, the results must be supplied.